Wealth distribution and inequality

Inequality is universal. When it comes to wealth distribution it’s not desirable. 20% of Population owns 80% of all the resources.

But, If you consider money making as a skill or talent (Of course this doesn’t apply to generational wealth) it makes sense. Not everyone is a good singer or a good dancer or a sports person. The same 80-20 principle applies here too. But nobody seem to have problem with that. Now you may argue both are entirely different thing. Any compassionate human being will think like that.

That’s why people are attracted to communism. Especially during that puberty- rebel – identity crisis phase. As you get older you’ll realize that the things are not as easy as it seems. Logically speaking equality make sense. Only issue is that no two humans are created equal. May be identical twins , but even they differ in terms of personality. Human behavior as such is very complex. There are always cheaters in the system. People always want more. Principles of communism will be very effective in a population of humanoid robots. Obviously without AI, because now even AI can think for themselves.

You might then argue that economical system is rigged. There is some truth to that. The richest always find some loopholes or lobby to avoid income proportionate taxes. Again its not like they are hoarding the money. It’s circulating inside the system. A large proportion of their wealth are in form of equities. If for example Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk decided to sell say 50% of their shares, what’s gonna happen is a stock market crash and economical breakdown. Not equality. So, yeah.. so it’s not that easy.

There are always things which are under our control and there are things which are out of our control. You gotta accept the fact that you as an individual is not going to revolutionize the current economical system. What we can do is to play with the system. Financial literacy is the key. We should teach these things in school, so that at least everyone gets a relatively fair chance at financial independence.

Check out this video if you are interested.

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